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Ebook Al Adhkar Imam Nawawi Zip Utorrent Epub Full Edition


One of the most famous scholars of the history is Imam Al-Nawawi. He was born in Baghdad, Iraq on October 12th, AD 680. He is among the greatest doctors of law in Islamic history. His most renowned work is “Nawawi’s Forty Hadiths” which are considered to be among the most authoritative books on Shari'a law. The document which he wrote “Al Adhkar Imam Nawawi” is a very important work that includes around forty hadiths written by him about his teachings about Islamic sciences and practice. The hadiths have been written by Imam Al-Nawawi in an Arabic language that is elegant and eloquent. The hadiths are arranged in chapters, some of which are not arranged according to their length or importance. Each chapter has an introduction written by the author, which explains the importance of some topics mentioned in it. A very important thing about Imam Al-Nawawi’s outlook on life was his thoughtfulness towards everything he did. He believed that any work done without thinking about its consequences is useless. This belief can be seen in the way he wrote “Al Adhkar”. He thought that all the information he found about hadiths should be compiled, its different types of sources should be considered and their authenticity should be examined. This is based on his belief that people might think that whoever hadiths may be authentic, but actually if they are not written by the Prophet (S), they are not authentic. Imam Al-Nawawi used to emphasize the importance of knowledge for every Muslim citizen. A person without knowledge is like someone who is blind, he cannot see anything even if there was something in front of him which could benefit him. He wrote “Al Adhkar Imam Nawawi” to prevent blind people from losing their voice and becoming silent. The main point of the hadiths is for everyone to think about their actions and to believe in Allah (S). Imam Al-Nawawi wrote this book for many reasons. The most important reason was that he wanted to help people with gaining knowledge about Islam. He emphasized the importance of knowledge for every Muslim person. His message was that if people want to gain knowledge, they should be serious with it and try their best to learn as much as they can. The writing of “Al Adhkar Imam Nawawi” by Imam Al-Nawawi is still relevant today, which makes this document important because it shows how people can learn more about Islam even today after 1400 years. This is one of the most important books in the whole Muslim world, which is written by Imam Al-Nawawi. The “Al Adhkar Imam Nawawi” contains 40 hadiths which are very useful for everyone who wants to be a good person in Islam. The hadiths are arranged in chapters, each one of which represents a subject that is related with Shari'a law. Imam Al-Nawawi always tried to bring people towards Allah (S). He believed that Allah (S) will help people when they are doing good deeds and He will not let bad things happen when they are doing bad deeds. cfa1e77820

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